Sunday, October 31, 2010


  • A morpheme is the smallest meaningful unit in the grammar of a language

  • In linguistics, a morpheme is the smallest component of word, or other linguistic unit, that has semantic meaning. The term is used as part of the branch of linguistics known as morpheme-based morphology. A morpheme is composed by phoneme(s) (the smallest linguistically distinctive units of sound) in spoken language, and by grapheme(s) (the smallest units of written language) in written language.

  • Morphemes are the elements obtained by breaking down the flower of language. They are also present in the roots and stems. It is not yet known exactly what constitutes a morpheme, but it is agreed that almost all verbiage, however innocent it may appear, contains these insidious ingredients.



  • sözcüyün ən qısa mənalı bölümünə deyilir.
  • sözün eşidilən bölümünün ən qısasıla yazılan bölümünün ən qısasından yaranır.
  • sözün kökü lə əkləri(ünlük, iç əki, sonluq) morfem dir.

iki yerə bölünür:

1- kök morfem(qramatık məna və leksik anlayışı bildirir)

2- ək morfem(yalnız qramatik anlayışı göstərir)

Sunday, October 24, 2010



  • Any of a small set of units, usually about 20 to 60 in number, and different for each language, considered to be the basic distinctive units of speech sound by which morphemes, words, and sentences are represented. They are arrived at for any given language by determining which differences in sound function to indicate a difference in meaning, so that in English the difference in sound and meaning between pit and bit is taken to indicate the existence of different labial phonemes, while the difference in sound between the unaspirated p of spun and the aspirated p of pun, since it is never the only distinguishing feature between two different words, is not taken as ground for setting up two different p phonemes in English.

  • A phoneme is the smallest contrastive unit in the sound system of a language.

  • A minimal unit that serves to distinguish between meanings of words.

  • Pronounced in one or more ways, depending on the number of allophones.



fonem bir dilçilik istilahı olaraq danışıq səsinin ən kiçik bölümlərinə deyilir.

fonemlər özəl işarələrlə yazılır(göstərilir), bu işarələr hərf adlanır.

fonemlər çeşitli sözcüklərin bəlli anlayışlarını yetirən ən kiçik bölumlərinə deyilir.

fonemlər mustəqil məna yarada bilməzlər ancaq məna yaratmağa ortaq olarlar.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010



  • mythem a term coined by Claude Lévi-Strauss the structuralist anthropologist, by analogy with morpheme and phoneme. in his structural analysis of myths a mytheme is a set of items wich share a single functional trait mythemes are organized in binary oppositions.
  • Lévi-Strauss invented the term 'mytheme' as a part of structualism.
  • Myths are built from basic units known as mythemes which take the form of sentences.
  • A mytheme is a set of sentences "each of which expresses a particular relation".
  • The "real units of myth" are not single relations but "bundles of relations or classes of mythemes".



  • mytheme bir termindir ki levi strauss miflərin vahidləinə verdi. bu unit morfemlə fonemə tay bir unitdir.
  • bir gerçək mif vahidi tək tək üyələrdən qurulmur. bəıkə bütün üyələrin olan bir vahiddən qurulur.

Friday, October 15, 2010

mythica thought

Mythical Thought:
*In the first chapter of "The Savage Mind," 1962, Claude Levi-Strauss attempted to characterize two modes of thought, or methods toward acquiring knowledge. One, the "science of the concrete" or mythical thought, is prior to the other, modern scientific inquiry. Although his often dated terminology-"savage," for example-might lead the reader to assume that Levi-Strauss privileged scientific thought, he stressed that both scientific and mythical thought should be understood as valid and that one does not supersede the other. They are two autonomous ways of thinking, rather than two stages in an evolution of thought.
*Mythical thought is based in observation "of the sensible world in sensible terms". Scientific thought, on the other hand, explains the imperceptible and thus forges new systems of knowledge.
Ayın düşüncə:
Ayın düşüncəni ilk olaraq "Claude Levi-Strauss" fransalı filozof 1962-ci il "savag mind" adlı kitabında bir cür düşüncə təezi olaraq ortaya qoydu. Levi-Strauss iki cürə düşüncə tərzinin olduğunu vurğuladı. Ayın düşüncə ilə elmi düşünc, iki düşüncə tərzi dir. bu iki düşüncə fikirləşmənin iki dönəmi sayıla bilər.
Ayın düşüncədə insanın çevrədən hisləri ilə aldığından yaranır. elmi düşüncə isə çalışır insanın duyğularını qatmadan hər bir olaya sistemli yeni elmlərə dayanaraq cavab verə. artırmalıyam ayın düşüncəni ilk olaraq Nasır Mənzuri Azərbaycanda Levi-Strauss-in görüşündən faydalanaraq toxundu.

Sunday, October 10, 2010


*the product of mental activity; that which one thinks
*something that you think of or remember
* a person's mind and all the ideas that they have in it when they are thinking
* the power of process of thinking
* the act of thinking seriously and carfully abought sth

hər nəyə beyində yaranan görüşə düşüncə deyilər.
düşüncə fikirləşməkdən yaranar.


existing only in ancient myths.
that does not exist or is not true.

ayın, üstürəvi
hər şey ki üstürə ilə ilgili dir.


a story from ancient times, especially one that was told to explain natural events or describe the early history of a people.
something that many people believe but that does not exist or is false.

Mif, mit, üstürə
keçmiş zamanlara ayıd olan hər bir olay, nağıla deyilir. mif doğada olan olayları əski xalqların dilindən açıqlayır.

ayındüşüncənin sözcükləri

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